About Me

About Me


I’m Michael and I’ve been based in Columbus, Ohio since 2015, though I’m originally from Colorado. Currently living with a wife and two roommates that don’t pay rent and demand I pet them while they eat. My day job is data analytics so it helps to have some crossover here.

I lived all over the Kansai area for a few years and took back home a love of Japanese baseball. I’m first and foremost a Hanshin Tigers fan, though I do have a soft spot for the other Kansai team the Orix Buffaloes – they were the first game I ever attended which was at Hotto Motto Field in the beautiful city of Kobe, Japan. Orix also happens to shares a mascot 🦬 with my Alma Mater, so that helps.

About ProEyeKyuu

ProEyeKyuu is supposed to be a play on “IQ” and “YaKyuu” (baseball). Also, if you pronounce it weird enough to me it sounds like you could be saying “ProYakyuu,” though my wife doesn’t seem to think so.

I hope ProEyeKyuu makes NPB more accessible to a foreign audience. If nothing else, I hope this site teaches you a bit of Japanese or drives you to start or continue your studies. Or, if you’re into data, to take on your own data projects. If you’re interested in asking any questions or just want to chat about baseball please reach out!


Below is a list of places (non-inclusive) I’d like to credit that helped me with finding or verifying historical stats for various players and teams, biographic details, jersey numbers, park details, or just providing clear equations so I could make sure I’m not messing up basic calculations. Definitely check them out if you have not already!

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